Saturday, June 9, 2012

JMB is still kicking but let down by Service Provider.

Unpleasant SMS and emails are flying around condemning the Management company of Kompleks Suria Kinrara. The JMB committee members are not spared either. They received SMS, emails plus telephone calls. Some of the SMS and telephone calls are abusive and others vulgar. The owners of Kompleks Suria Kinrara have their right to complain and expressed their frustration. They are not wrong. Majority of the owners are supportive of JMB but a handful of them are highly critical. They pay the maintenance fees and they expect services be provided accordingly. They are right.

This ugly sight was cleared recently with pressure from JMB.
The management company, Subang Perdana Services Sdn. Bhd.(SP) has let down and failed the JMB miserably. SP even went overboard against the directive of the JMB. What should the JMB committee members and owners do?  The promoters of JMB have misjudged the capability of the service provider. 
Look at the rubbish at the bottom of the swimming pool
and the not so clean water.

The previous management company appointed by Sentosa Restu (M) Sdn. Bhd. refused to co-operate in the handover. They refused and did not hand over  a single sen to the JMB. On top of this, all the accounting documents, such receipts and payment vouchers, were not given to the JMB. The worst of all, they left behind a huge sum of debts of more than four hundred thousand ringgits (RM400,000.00). FFMS did not settle the Tenaga Nasional’s electric bill, SYABAS’s water bill for many months and Selangor land office quit rent. Where did all the collections from owners gone to?

Garbage everwhere. Where are the
Property Superviser & the Cleaners?
Between February 2012 to mid April 2012, FFMS collected more than Five hundred thousand ringgits(RM500,000.00) from the owners for lift lobby access card and arrears of maintenance fees. They managed to collect this sum with the support and collaboration of the Residents Association of Komplek Suria Kinrara. Where has this sum of money gone to. FFMS refused to provide details.  So, what is the next course of action? Will owners of Komplek Suria Kinrara prepare to pay more money to chase after FFMS? What action should be taken against Sentosa Restu (M) Sdn. Bhd., FFMS, supplier of Lift Access Card system and the Chairman of the resident association. You decide. 

The supplier of the access card system did not get full payment from FFMS, although FFMS collected more than the cost of the entire system from the owners. Why is the supplier not paid? Now, the system is not functioning due to sabotage and vandalism. Who should pay for all these?

Owners of Komplek Suria Kinrara must understand and realize that this property belong to YOU. YOU own Komplek Suria Kinrara not the management company, not the suppliers to the management company, NOT YOUR TENANTS.

Water overflowing from the tank.
Who has to pay for this?
There are too many uncivilized residents at Kompleks Suria Kinrara, besides the African nationals. Presumably, these are the “low class “ tenants plus some owners. If you care for your property, please help to watch this place for vandalism and rowdy behavior of tenants and owners. You don’t have to confront them, just snap pictures and send them to your JMB committee members or management office. Rest assured that the JMB is working hard. In the longer term, the JMB has the avenue and the power under the law, to act against uncivilized and recalcitrant tenants and owners.

When owners sign the S&P, there is also a Deed of Covenant signed by all owners. Inside the Deed of Covenant is the Bye-law and House Rule. All owners are legally obligated to abide the Bye-law and House Rules,

Lets work together and hopefully Komplek Suria Kinrara will become a better living place.