Negative news are flying and circulating in the cyberspace and at the gossip corridors on the security problems and management efficiency of Suria Kinrara Complex. Most of the news are true and it is time for the management company to take notice and act accordingly.
Is this just for show only? When is this operational? |
Some of the negative things are beyond the control of the management company. We should also give them some leeway to put the house in order, given the fact the Sentosa Restu (M) Sdn. Bhd.(TALAM) failed to fulfill all its obligations. The car park access control system and the lift lobby access control system should be part and parcel of the developer’s responsibilities. But this task is now passed to the management company. Read the court order dated 17 September 2008 and the Sale and Purchase Agreement carefully to identify the non-compliance issues. The car park electronic security system should be ready at the time of handover of vacant possession. Three month has lapsed and the car park system is still not in operation. Whatever the reasons, this is no acceptable.
The power voltage fluctuation, as claimed by the Chargeman, is another major problem still not addressed. Though this is the responsibility of developer, the management must render assistance to resolve this.problem of the corridor lighting bulbs blown out frequently, so are the apartment’s internal light. Management has engaged a qualified Chargeman. He should assist to resolve this problem. If not, he should be fired. He should help to check the wire looping system and wire rating of the entire complex and the voltage supplied by Tenaga. I suspected it is wire looping messed up, rather than the voltage fluaction problem, knowing the integrity of the contractor. Why should the residents or owners be made to suffer and made to pay for someone not doing his job?
This should be the way to maintain
the refuse chamber. |
When are they clearing this eye sore? |
After highlighting the garbage collection problems, the garbage house (Refuse chamber) is now neat and tidy. Some of the garbage at the back lane between the two rows of shops were removed, but this must be completely cleared. There are still garbage left at the Tenaga Sub-station at the ramp to the car park. This must also be cleared. The management is responsible for ensuring the renovation contractors clear all debris and packing material from the site. The problem is due to lack of security control and the lack of supervision by the management company. The entire responsibilities of supervising and controlling the renovation contractors rest entirely with the management company and the security guard engaged by them. The buck stop there. No excuse is acceptable.
One of this garbage bin should be at each lift lobyy.
Sometimes, this gone missing. |
Daily perishable garbage are left at the lift lobby. The garbage bin at the lift lobby had gone missing. Can the management shed some light on this?
This happens when the large bin has gone missing. |
Car without sticker also can come up.
Guard tidur kah? |
Cars without resident’s sticker are found in level 2 and level 3 car parks of every blocks. Some motorcycles are not parked at the designated parking bays for bikes. They parked on the line between two car park bays. This is causing inconvenience to the car owners.
Why the bike is parked here? |
This is the designated bike parking bay |
Ooiay! Lu bapa punya tempat kah? |
There are some inconsiderate tenants or owners “colonising” common property such at the corridor and lift lobby. Laundry racks, large shoes racks and potted plants are found occupying the corridors and lift lobbies. A small shoe rack ( 18 inches by 30 inches) may be permitted but not a large one. The management company must be strict on this. A warning must be issued to the tenant or owner concerned and if they failed to comply, these items should be removed from the common property without further notice and simultaneously lodge a police report for “colonising” common property, in order avoid accusation of theft. These inconsiderate residents or owners pose a great risk to other residents, in the event of an emergency.
Is this type of tree suitable for the open air carpark?
The tree is already leaning after strong wind.
This is without a fully grown leaf canopy yet. |
The senior manager of Sentosa Restu (M) Sdn. Bhd. has announced that High Century is no longer a panel renovation contractor. His team of workers are still occupying the block B lift lobby area. The issue here is not their presence, but why is High Century treated differently from other contractors. No deposit is required from High Century or his customers doing renovation at the Complex. The management has to explain this to the residents/owners.
You can see many of these fallen trees. |
Another leaning tree. |
The trees planted at the open car park around the shop will post a hazard in the future, when the trees are fully grown. This type of tall trees may not be suitable. The landscape consultant should provide more info on the trees. Information on maximum height, root invasion and pervasion and leaf canopy size of matured trees should be provided. The trees already started falling down. What would happen when the trees are fully grown and fall during rain storm? What would happen with the invasive and pervasive roots damaging the tarred surface of the road and car park? Who has to pay for the repair? Obviously, we, the owners and residents, would have to bear this in the future. So, the management company must demand the info now, during the warranty period. The info should be presented and made available to the Committee and the Residents Associtaion.
Vandalism. Malaysian mentality.
When are they growing up? |